Your perfect moment

16 Aug

Have you ever thought about having a perfect moment? 382_8300

Have you had a perfect moment?

All of us are longing for these special seconds when everything in the world seems to be perfect.

         Kissing your lover after saying “Yes, I do.“

         Feeling tears in your eyes after your baby smiles to you for the very first time.

        The handshake of the principal after receiving your diploma.

        Standing on the top of the winner podium and receiving a gold medal in your sport.

All of these are perfect moments in ones life, no doubt – And everyone should have the chance to experience these moments if he wants to. But these are usually once-in-a-lifetime moments as well.

So we have to wait, to hope, to pray and to work  that fate will give us at least only one of these perfect moments in whole life? But what happens in the meantime? And what if the perfect moment will never come? Maybe it is only a childish imagination?

No, it is not. I know it can happen everywhere and all the time.


Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.

Omar Khayyam




I see people every day who seem to forget that these moments really existing. They are embittered, hopeless, sad, angry and blind. They lost the ability to see the most wonderful little things in life…

Sadly, once I was one of them.

But I’ve learned to live, discover and enjoy at least one perfect moment every day!

  Feeling the heartseptemberklbeat of your dearest friend when you are sharing a cuddle.

  Watching a butterfly landing on your big toe.

  Tasting the rain drops on your lips when you go for a walk through a warm summer rain.

 Walking barefoot over a fresh mowed meadow.

 Hearing the words of your lover in your head before he opens his mouth.



The moment when you are standing on the top of  the diving platform, when you overcome your fears and jump…


I jumped. And I’ve experienced: The sum of these perfect moments is called a happy life!


You need a teacher for experiencing  one perfect happy moment? Grab the hand of a child and jump together into a big puddle! (Please don’t forget to ask the parents first if it is not your own child, niece or nephew 😉 )

After you have done this look into the eyes of the kid and you will see what it means to be happy at the perfect moment.

If you are willing to open your eyes, your heart and your soul, you will find your perfect moments all around.



Look for the butterfly!

Hug your best friend!     

Go for a walk through the rain!

And jump!

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